The Citroen DS is, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful cars ever made. And I'm not alone - look up any reputable book on design and you"ll find that the author thinks the same way. One of the most brilliant philosophers of the twentieth century, Roland Barthes, even devoted an article to the DS (use the menu item to the left to read it).

The DS ( a French pun on the word Goddess) stands out from the pack. With lines to die for and engineering far ahead of its time it is that most desirable thing - a design icon that works for a living.

cutaway picture of a DS

Owning a DS is special. People stop, stare, and even wave. Other drivers are remarkably courteous, even German drivers in Europe and on their own autobahns! And you will usually find a DS enthusiast in every European town - just hang around near your DS and watch them come out of the woodwork.

The DS gets lots of attention on the Web - not that surprising considering the ferocity of the love all we owners feel for our charges. I've included some of my favourites - use the menu to the left to see them.