We acquired our first DS, a French built 1972 D Super 5 reg.no JYY 251J, or Betty as we call her, from the leading London DS dealer - then Retromobile, now DS World Ltd. - who serviced her until 1999 when she left the country once more but this time for the sunnier climes of Crete.

After a lifetime of lusting for a DS she became my daily transport in 1994. Every year we would drive down thru Europe to Crete in her and tour around for 3 months. This carried on for 5 years until we decided to temporarily import her to Greece where she then spent some 9 months of the year in the customs house warehouse at Souda while we worked back in the UK. During those years she would be ready whenever we got there and, being left hand drive, she fitted right in. This arrangement slowed down her rusting and meant that we could fly over whenever we wished instead of driving all the way.

In 2002 we decided to join her in Crete having down-shifted our lives completely and now we live in perfect harmony in an impecunious but idyllic state. Sadly she is curently proving somewhat expensive to maintain - please see our appeal at the foot of this page.


We have more photos of the beautiful Betty than we know what to do with and we have assembled a collection of them into a Tabblo. Below you can glimpse some of the Tabblo and go on to see the whole thing.